Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Might Morphing Power Rangers

Power Rangers. Power is great or marked ability to do or act; strength; might; force. Rangers are members of an armed troop employed in patrolling a specific region. Power Rangers are awesome and the name is very fitting. They are a few selected teenagers chosen to protect the earth from the evil forces of outer space. They are given the robots to combine and take down any enlarged enemies that they have to face. They are the secret protectors of earth who never get recognized for their work even though everyday there are multiple threats to the safety of the earth. The red ranger is the leader. The only two females are the pink and yellow rangers. The other two rangers that were apart of the original five were the black and blue rangers. Then later on in the series the green ranger came like a rogue with his own giant robot of a dragon and also the white ranger. They were assembled by Zordon who directed them in their fighting efforts. Also, the robot, Alpha, was always ready to help or over exaggerate the situation. They are some of the best super heroes around on Saturday morning shows.

I remember being completely into the fad and loving the Power Rangers as a little kid. I had the video game for the old Sega Genesis. The game is really old and the graphics are outdated, but it is still a lot of fun as a 2D fighter. I especially loved the Green ranger because his do it solo attitude was how I wanted to be. I don’t need any help from you other rangers! I remember even at Halloween I dressed up as the Red ranger and my brother was the Blue ranger. It is definitely one of the best known children’s series around and played a huge part in my developmental years.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lincoln's Medical Translations

A big issue in America that is also hitting Lincoln pretty hard is the matter of interpreting for patients of a different language. Many people may think that this is not really one of the great concerns of the medical industry, but the city of Lincoln is home to over fifty different languages alone. This makes it difficult to get all the different language. I never thought that doctors could have problems his diagnosing patients with the language barrier. As the article mentioned, doctors feel that the burden is on them when really the government should provide professional interpreters to assist the doctors. If the government is going require that interpreters are present then they should put more effort into paying the interpreters instead of leaving the expenses to the doctors. It is beneficial to the community that there are drives for state legislation that would pay for interpreters for poor immigrants. It also puts added stress on the doctors when they are required to pay for in interpreters. The cost for interpreters brings up another issue. Lincoln created another option, phone translation service, although this does make a interpreter more accessible, I believe the lack of body language can create an issue when it comes to the what the patients is actually saying and what the patient is trying to imply to the doctor. I also believe that hospitals should inform colleges around the country about this growing need. This can help because some students may need community service hours in order to graduate and I'm sure there are many doctors who are willing to work with language students. Both sides of the examinations will be greatly improve as the patients will receive the kind of care they need and the doctor's will not be in such a hassle to make the right diagnosis. I think that it is our government's duty to not only make laws for these issue but to provide for them as well. I think that the government should do more in the sense of training and paying for the interpreters.